
North Herts College Engineering & Construction Campus

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Hertfordshire LEP has invested the expansion and improvement of North Herts College's Engineering & Construction Campus. The state-of-the-art 19,000 sq. ft. campus has been fitted with industry-standard engineering equipment to ensure that the learning environment is on par with a modern sector workplace. The campus delivers high level engineering & welding, construction, and motor vehicle courses and provides SMEs with access to prototyping and testing equipment.

The campus includes:

  • A fully equipped mechatronics lab covering manufacturing, hydraulics & pneumatics, industrial controls and industrial robots
  • A computer aided design suite, with software including Autocad, Solidworks & rapid prototype/3D modelling systems
  • A comprehensive workshop facility that includes benches, hand and machine cutting tools, CNC and fabrication and welding areas for the production of prototype models
  • A fully equipped electronics lab with a wide range of test equipment and tools including, oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers, signal generators, op-amps, and multi-meters

The LEP invested in the project as part of its commitment to promote and coordinate the county’s approach to STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects. We are also working to improve the quality and quantity of apprenticeships, and the delivery of higher level skills including engineering, technology and construction, to meet local employers’ needs.

The new and improved learning/training floorspace will facilitate 320 additional engineering-related higher level adult apprenticeships; 80 additional engineering-related advanced level adult apprenticeships; 168 additional engineering-related intermediate level adult apprenticeships; 1,224 learners completing engineering-related programmes at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4; and give 60 SMEs access to the facilities.

Hertfordshire LEP invested £400k from the Local Growth Fund towards this project, with North Herts College provided the remaining £500k.


This project was approved by the board on the 24th March 2016.