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About regulation

Helping your business avoid the pitfalls

Whatever kind of business you operate, there will be regulation you need to comply with. These can be national and/or local requirements. Regulations are in place to make sure both your business and customers are safe, not to make running a business difficult.

Regulatory officers are trained in their respective area of regulation and all Local Authority Regulators have signed up to the Hertfordshire Better Business for All Charter, which outlines what businesses can expect from Hertfordshire Regulatory Services.

Regulators want to help you make your business a success, so the earlier you get in contact with them the better. They can provide answers to compliance questions and give you information and guidance to help you, so they should be the first port of call for all things regulation.

Primary Authority partnerships allow your business to form a legal partnership with a local authority (known as the primary authority). They can then provide you with assured, consistent and tailored regulatory advice that makes it simpler and easier to comply with Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Fire Safety legislation. This protects your business and your customers and could save you significant time and money.

The type and number of regulations you may need to comply with vary depending on what type of business you are running. Some regulations are set by central government and are the same in any local authority. Others vary between the district areas in Hertfordshire.

Local authority regulators

Below are the main areas of regulations enforced by local authorities:

  • Planning
  • Building Control
  • Licensing
  • Environmental Health (including food hygiene and health and safety)
  • Fire Safety
  • Trading Standards and Consumer Protection
  • Highways
  • Business rates

National regulators

National regulators include:

Health and Safety Executive

Security Industry Authority

Gambling Commission

Environment Agency

HM Revenue & Customs

ACAS (not a regulatory body but an employment advisory agency)

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Got a question?
Samuel Hudson is Programme Manager for Better Business For All.
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