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Better Business For All

Enabling Hertfordshire businesses to easily access the regulatory support they need from Local Authorities. A local partnership between Businesses and Regulatory Services to promote growth.

Bridging the gap between businesses and regulators

Better Business for All (BBFA) was formed in 2013 and works to boost business productivity and growth by making it easier for businesses to access the regulatory support they need from Local Authorities such as Trading Standards, Environmental Health, Licensing and others. BBFA also works with regulators to help them better understand the challenges faced by businesses.

The BBfA charter

A charter has been agreed and signed by all of the representative within the BBfA partnership, which details the actions and responsibilities of Hertfordshire Regulatory Services and businesses within Hertfordshire.

View the charter


Guidance for businesses

Wash Hands Chef
Card Payment, Contactless, Machine
EU UK Flags
Modern Flats
Business Regulation
Office, Laptop, Work
Group, Office, Team
Open Business
Business Regulation
Got a question?
Samuel Hudson is Programme Manager for Better Business For All.
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