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Skills and Employment Dashboard

Access the latest data relating to skills and employment in Hertfordshire.

About the dashboard

Hertfordshire LEP’s Skills & Employment Dashboard is an interactive resource produced to enable stakeholders to better understand the county’s labour market and to support data-driven decision making relating to local skills provision. The dashboard is produced in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council.

Our Skills and Employment Board is now the Skills Advisory Panel (SAP) for Hertfordshire, and is responsible for providing annual analysis of the county’s skills and labour market. The Skills & Employment Dashboard complements the following resources:

Data sources

Most of the data is sourced from central government agencies, including: the Office for National Statistics, Public Health England, Department for Education, and Department for Work and Pensions. The dashboard also uses data collected by Hertfordshire County Council departments.


Much of the data contained in the Skills and Employment Dashboard is published by public sector providers, such as Crown copyright material. Unless otherwise stated, such public sector information is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Data definitions

Out of work benefits The Claimant Count is the number of people claiming benefit principally for the reason of being unemployed. Claimants declare that they are out of work, and capable of, available for and actively seeking work during the week in which the claim is made. Release frequency: Monthly
Population estimates The estimated population of the area. This includes all those usually resident in the area. HM Forces stationed outside the United Kingdom are excluded. Any foreign forces stationed here are included. Students are taken to be resident at their term-time address. Release frequency: Annual
Population projections

Population projections provide an indication of the future size and age structure of the population based on mid-year population estimates and a set of assumptions on future fertility, mortality and migration. Release frequency: Bi-annual

Job density

Job density is the level of jobs per resident aged 16-64. For example, a job density of 1.0 would mean that there is one job for every resident aged 16-64. The total number of jobs is a workplace-based measure and comprises employee jobs, self-employed, government-supported trainees and HM Forces. The figures for the number of residents aged 16-64 which are used to calculate jobs densities are based on the relevant mid-year population estimates. Release frequency: Annual


These figures show the median earnings in pounds for employees working in the area by workplace or by their residency. Figures for earnings are taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). The ASHE is based on a 1 per cent sample of employees, information on whose earnings and hours is obtained from employers. The survey does not cover self-employment. Earnings information relates to gross pay before tax, national insurance or any other deductions. Release frequency: Annual


Includes the number of starts on an apprenticeship in the time period and number of those with achievements as a percentage of the total. Release frequency: Annual

Business counts

This data is taken from the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) which records the position of units as at March of the reference year. The IDBR contains information on VAT traders and PAYE employers in a statistical register which provides the basis for the Office for National Statistics to conduct surveys of businesses. An enterprise is the smallest combination of legal units (generally based on VAT and/or PAYE records) which has a certain degree of autonomy within an Enterprise Group. An individual site (for example a factory or shop) is called a local unit. Release frequency: Annual

Economic activity (economic activity rate)

People who are economically active, expressed as a percentage of all people. Release frequency: Quarterly

Economically inactive

People who are neither in employment nor unemployed. The percentage of economically inactive aged 16-64 is the percentage of residents of the working age that are neither in employment nor unemployed. Release frequency: Quarterly


The number of employments by industry (SIC 2007) or occupation (SOC 2010). The percentage of those in employment (full time/part time) is the percentage of the working age population (16-64) in employment by full time work or part time work. Release frequency: Annual


Qualifications data is taken from the Annual Population Survey. The variables show the total number of people who are qualified at a certain level or above (national vocational qualifications).  For example, 'NVQ level 3 and above' includes those that have level 3 NVQs, level 4 NVQs, and level 5 NVQs. 'No qualifications' means no formal qualifications are held. 'Other qualifications' includes foreign qualifications and some professional qualifications. Release frequency: Annual