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Who else can help me with my business?

Other sources of support in Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire Growth Hub
Hertfordshire Growth Hub is the central point of contact for business support in the county, helping businesses gain access to the guidance they need to unlock their potential for growth. The Growth Hub is delivered by a consortium of partners, led by business support specialists Exemplas, together with the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce and the University of Hertfordshire.

It is publicly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). See how Hertfordshire Growth Hub is supporting businesses in Hertfordshire.

Hertfordshire Enterprise Agencies
Enterprise Agencies offer a variety of services to new, small and medium sized businesses. This includes one-to-one business advice and guidance, online resources, business training workshops and business centre premises, including business incubation and co-working spaces. The Hertfordshire Start-up Programme is delivered through Wenta, STANTA and Dacorum Borough Council.

Federation of Small Businesses
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is the UK's largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of small business owners and the self-employed. The FSB is broken up into different regional branches.

Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce supports its members by encouraging the development of an economic environment in which all business and their employees can prosper. The Chamber represent business interests in the county to local and central government, MPs and all other relevant bodies, and contribute to the development of Chamber policy nationally.

Watford and West Herts Chamber of Commerce
The Watford and West Herts Chamber of Commerce helps promote growth and prosperity for its members by offering a wide range of events and services designed to keep businesses ahead of competition. Learn more on their website.

Hertfordshire Library Services for Businesses
Visit the Library Service website for useful resources if you’re setting up or growing your business or researching market or company information.


Got a question?
Samuel Hudson is Programme Manager for Better Business For All.
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