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Inward investment into Hertfordshire expected to create more than 1,100 jobs

28 Jul 22
DIT Department For International Trade Logo

Inward investment into Hertfordshire is expected to create 1,104 jobs over the next few years.

Figures from the Department for International Trade (DIT) show the anticipated jobs are a result of FDI (foreign direct investment) projects.

The number of jobs to be created by the 17 projects secured in 2021/22 in Hertfordshire places it in the top third of the 38 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas.

Mark Bretton, Chair of Hertfordshire LEP, said: “I’m delighted to see the LEP region bouncing back from the coronavirus pandemic so quickly and emphatically.

“The figures for the past year have been extremely encouraging, and as we move through into 2023 I hope the FDI continues to be a catalyst for growth in the county – especially as the Enterprise Zone continues to grow and sites continue to open up for further development.

“Here at the LEP we’re looking forward to creating more opportunities for our businesses and residents.”

Lucy Buzzoni, Director Investment at the Department for International Trade, said:  “The Hertfordshire LEP’s consistent approach to attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) sets a fantastic example, that supports job creation and economic growth that will level up the whole of the UK. The 2021/22 set of inward investment results are an outstanding effort in terms of both the volume of investments and their value (including jobs created).  It is evidence of the strong partnerships forged, bridges built along the way and focus on key sectors, such as cell and gene therapy manufacturing.  

"I am confident the Hertfordshire LEP will continue to build on this year’s successes attracting even more attention for the UK from across the globe.”

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The figures for the past year have been extremely encouraging, and as we move through into 2023 I hope the FDI continues to be a catalyst for growth in the county – especially as the Enterprise Zone continues to grow and sites continue to open up for further development.
Mark Bretton Mark BrettonLEP Chair
The figures for the past year have been extremely encouraging, and as we move through into 2023 I hope the FDI continues to be a catalyst for growth in the county – especially as the Enterprise Zone continues to grow and sites continue to open up for further development.
Mark Bretton Mark BrettonLEP Chair